Liberal Democrat Councillor for Guildford West Learn more
by fionawhite on 29 March, 2013
Like most councillors I get a lot of emails and letters. Most of my postbag is taken up with potholes and the state of our roads. One subject which is being raised more frequently now is that of speeding on residential roads and outside schools. A lot of councils have introduced a 20MPH limit in residential areas and particularly near schools. Our near neighbour Portsmouth is a very good example.
Along with my Lib Dem colleagues at Surrey, I have been asking for the county council to consider introducing 20MPH limits where appropriate but the county’s highways department and Surrey Police have been reluctant to go down that route.
I would welcome the views of residents in Guildford West. Do you think that speeding is an issue in our area? Do you feel that the roads would be safer with a 20MPH limited? Should that limit be just near schools or on all residential roads except major routes through?
Please let me know as your views are important.
1 Comment
20 MPH should be not just in our strees but in towns to just as meny bikers get hit to and I’m not a biker yet. seed is ok on larg A roads & motor way but not in local towns and vilages….