Fiona White

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Guildford West Learn more

Cabell Road – update

by fionawhite on 9 August, 2012

This morning I met with the Surrey Highways officer who has been working with the contractors on the scheme to improve Cabell Road.  He walked the area of the road with me and explained that they are planning to do the work on a “crack and seat” basis, which means basically cracking the existing concrete surface so that it becomes a stable base and then putting a new surface over the top, similar to the work done in Park Barn Drive a couple of years ago.  While they are doing it, they will check for any holes under the road and they will make sure they are dealt with at the same time. Because it is such a long road, they can’t do the whole thing in one go but the worst section will be done this time. They are planning to start the work in the Autumn.

If the scheme goes according to plan, residents in the area and other people who use the road will have a much better surface to drive or ride on for a large part of it.

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