Fiona White

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Guildford West Learn more


by fionawhite on 9 August, 2012

It has always been a bit of a challenge to keep young people from being bored during the long summer holidays.  On Wednesday morning I had a chance to visit FISH and CHIPS.  CHIPS is the scheme for younger children and FISH is for 11-16 year olds.  They are run at Guildford Grove School and Kings College in Park Barn.

While I was in CHIPS there was a visitor with a lot of exotic animals so the children were all sitting quietly while he showed them things like a bearded dragon and a corn snake.  I now know how the corn snake got its name and what its favourite food is.  Most of the time the children are able to work at tables or do more active things, all under the watchful eye of a group of helpers.

FISH was a lot more noisy.  There was music, trampolining, their own olympics and a whole lot more.  The young people can choose what they do and how long for.  As I arrived some buses were setting off with some of the youngsters to Thorpe Park.

Earlier this year I was asked if I could use some of my county councillor allocation to support the schemes and I am really pleased I did.  I only wish schemes like that had been available when my own children were that age.

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