Fiona White

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Guildford West Learn more

North Guildford Food Bank

by fionawhite on 27 February, 2013

A little while ago I was approached by Ann Mather about the possibility of setting up a North Guildford Food Bank.  Luckily I was able to help by using some of my county councillor allocation towards the setting up costs.  This morning I dropped in to see how the food bank is working and was met by a really friendly group of people who are there to help customers who have been given a voucher by one of the referral agencies.  Ann gave up some time to show me how the food bank operates.

The North Guildford Food Bank has been running for almost 3 months and they provided food for their 100th person on 20th February.   They have redeemed 35 vouchers from 16 different agencies.  About half the people they have fed are children.  Only 5 people have had repeat vouchers.  A voucher means that the person gets food for 3 days based on the size of the family.

While I was there, the community worker from Tesco called in to say that they are some more food available and to arrange a date for it to be delivered.  Also, the food bank is supported by Clyde & Co solicitors in Guildford.

I am so glad that Surrey County Council’s money which I allocated was able to help set up the project.  I am also very grateful to Ann and the others running it for the work they are doing to help people at a time of crisis.

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